energy of self / seal of self

the second and seventh chakra;

1. the second of the Seven Seals; the awareness of self identity and self-doubt; ego;
2. the seventh of the Seven Seals; new sense of self; the awareness of self of "I am";

< DivineHuman 12 > In the Second Seal contains the energy of Self. You see, when you crossed through the Wall of Fire and experienced separation, you also began to experience Self for the first time. You realized you had your own identity and your own spiritual fingerprint.

There was the realization of Self, but this also created Self-doubt. "Who am I? Who am I? Why am I here? Why am I no longer at Home? Why am I in a void?" The awareness of Self and Self-doubt also gave you the energy for Self-discovery. You have been on a journey for eons of time, discovering who you are, and who you aren't.

The churches tell you that Self is bad or wrong. Understand and remember that you helped to create some of the doctrine and the dogma of the churches. But it is time to transform that energy, to transmute it into the New. They tell you the Self must be annihilated. They tell you to let go, to let some unknown God take over and that one day you will lose all remembrance of who you ever were because you will be back in the blissful heavens of God in a big mush of oneness.

Dear friends, in the New Energy, there is Self. There is self-realization, self-understanding. You will remember the journey that brought you here. You will remember who you are. Self should not be denied. Self should not be annihilated.

Every night all over your world we work with humans who are trying to kill themselves, physically and emotionally. They are trying to kill memories of what they have been done, where they have been. Every night we weep because Self is a precious gift of Spirit. It is your gift.

Let no man, woman, or church ever tell you to deny Self. It is an essential part of your unique spiritual identity. You are the Creator of Self.

< DivineHuman 12 > Finally, the Seventh Seal. The Seventh Seal is also the energy of Self, just like Seal Number Two. But, in the Seventh Seal, it is the unfolding of the Self, "I Am," rather than the Self, "Who am I?" The Seventh Seal is the butterfly leaving the cocoon.

The Seventh Seal has always been within you. It always had the potential of the "I Am." The "I Am" doesn't need to question who it is. It doesn't need to question what's going on around. It has a knowingness and an understanding at a profound new level. The Self behind the Seventh Seal understands things through the divine heart, not through the human intelligence. The Seventh Seal is the potential of the New Energy and the New Earth.

So, with all the blessings from us… from Archangel Michael… from Metatron… and Mary… from Hossaf… from St. Germain… yes, indeed - for the one who asked - indeed, Kryon also… and the dark ones who stand in the corners… open the Seventh Seal to allow yourself to be the "I Am."

Dear friends, in the New Energy let no man, woman, or church ever tell you that you are anything less than God. Begin to live each moment, each breath, and each day as God. Open up that divine heart of yours. Release the burden that you have placed on your mind.

< NewEnergy 1 > With your children look at where their blockages are, where the imbalances in their Seven Seals are. Most of them, dear friends, as a clue, will have the imbalance in the Salvation Seal right now. That is where they are having a difficult time. The New Energy children have gotten through the struggling, but they are having difficulty with the Salvation.

That is why they are looking to you, in a way, for the answers and getting frustrated with you beyond belief, because they want to know that you have accepted also that you are God. Then, they go looking in other places and do not find humans who have come to the understanding. And, they get frustrated… and they rebel… or they withdraw… or, dear friends, they get disoriented. They cannot focus anymore.

Look to the Seal of Salvation when you are working with them to help rebalance them. Help them to understand that it begins within them. And, they do have this enlightenment within them already. Help them to bring this out, to come to a new sense of self (sense of "I Am") in the New Energy. It is that simple.

< NewEnergy 1 > But, you are God also, in a different way, in a different way than the God of Home. You see, the God, the King, and the Queen, the Mother/Father/God, the image that you had in the Old Energy is not the same as you, God, not the same. That God did not have the experience of going outside of the First Circle… of leaving Home… of developing a new sense of identity… of being a Creator in your own right. The God of Home has only experiences through you. You are a very unique type of God also, because you have had all of these experiences. You have lived in human form. The God of Home has not done that - only through you.

< NewEnergy 1QA > YOU ARE GOD ALSO, but yet you are so unique in your own right. You carry the sense of self-awareness and self-identity, something that Spirit from Home does not have. There is something else that makes you unique. You see, God is a student and has always been a student. A teacher is one who has already been down the path. Spirit has never been down the path before. That is why you left Home, to go into new experiences, into new creation, and ultimately to create New Energy. Spirit has always been the student.

< NewEnergy 1QA > YOU ARE GOD ALSO, but yet you are so unique in your own right. You carry the sense of self-awareness and self-identity, something that Spirit from Home does not have. There is something else that makes you unique. You see, God is a student and has always been a student. A teacher is one who has already been down the path. Spirit has never been down the path before. That is why you (prince Jack) left Home, to go into new experiences, into new creation, and ultimately to create New Energy. Spirit has always been the student.

< NewEnergy 4 > But, there is another component. That component is letting go of something that you thought you were… again, going through a death in order to have a rebirth. But, now you know something different that you didn't know a few years ago. When you let go - totally, totally, totally - when you get go, allow that Old aspect of yourself to die. When you allow the rebirth to take place within you… ah, yes, then the Old comes back to you in a whole New way… but, without the pain, without the difficulties and the challenges, without the nightmarish aspects. The Old comes back to you with the wisdom, and the understanding, and New Energy. The future is the past healed.


