allowing of Self / Spirit / Divine


< Kharisma 8 > The thing to do then is to allow. Is to allow. You're allowing yourself, your Spirit, your I Am-ness. When you try these other things that you sometimes do, you try to hold on to clichés, you try to hold on to old identities, things that might have even worked in the past, it creates a resistance, which makes it even more painful. It perhaps satisfies the mind for a moment and part of you that thinks then you're doing something. But if you want to do anything, just allow. You're allowing you, your divine, your true nature. And yes, there will be times when you get that awful feeling of losing everything, falling into that darkness of nothing. But, my friends, you emerge from that in true full awareness of the I Am. It is you.

< Kharisma 8 > Do you realize how few humans on this planet right now are in a truthful allowing of their Self, of their Spirit? Oh, there are many who are playing spirituality or religion, many who are philosophical, but truly here for their enlightenment? Not many, a small handful all across the world. But it doesn't take many. It doesn't take many. It's that popcorn effect, and you're in the midst of popping, going from being that little kernel of corn into a full-blossomed delicious I Am.


