transform void into creation


< New Earth 2 > You are confronted with fears in situations that relate back to your early years where there may have been, what you term, dysfunction and imbalance. At times you would prefer to hide and not to face those situations, but yet you choose to walk through them. You choose to face the demons, for that is your path. It is the path of energy transmutation. You take what was fear, what was darkness, what was void and transmute it into love.

< New Earth 10QA > You have literally gone into the void, into what did not exist, into a neutral… in a way… into a nothingness. You are creating something out of this. So it is not that Spirit knows your every thought and move and what you will do in the future. You are walking hand-in-hand with Spirit, and the path is being created by both of you as you go.

< Creator 3 > Because you existed outside of All That Is, in a sense, you existed in a void, and you were turning void into reality. In order to create in your Earth environment, it was necessary for you to go into the future. It was necessary for you to go into the void and create based on thoughts of what would come to be. In other words, you were always projecting yourself into the future. These vibrations created the pathway for your tomorrow. This is the way you have operated ever since you first came here to Earth. You were bound by the memories of the past (karma), and you created the future by projecting yourself into your tomorrows. This is how most humans on Earth create. This is how the future is created. The future reality is an assimilation of vibrational frequencies from all the humans on Earth.

< Creator 3 > We have said before that Spirit does not know the outcome of things. That is because it does not exist! It is not a pre-planned maze or an obstacle course that you must run through in hopes of finding the finish line. No, indeed each of you here, each of you in the second creation is taking void and nothingness, and transforming it into a new reality based on the vibrational frequencies of your thoughts that go into the future (guessing based on the past experience?).

< Creator 3 > Oh, it is so simple. It is so simple, and in it is contained much power! You have spent many lifetimes creating into a future, creating a future from a void. Take a moment to think about what we are saying.
You have lived in your thoughts of what tomorrow will be like. This has been appropriate. And it is still appropriate for many who walk the Earth. But as you become creators in the new energy, you will learn the importance of living in the divine moment, the moment that is now! You will be tempted many times to want to live in the future, to want to project what your tomorrow will be. You will be tempted to have fears of tomorrow, to create scenarios in your mind. But as a new creator in this new energy, you will find much power of "living in the divine moment," which is now.

< Creator 3 > We will help you to understand more of the physics of this. As you are in the divine moment, there is a new type of vibration that emanates from you. It attracts all of the appropriate things to you. In the past you have had to seek those things to bring them to you, to seek your abundance, to seek even your happiness, to seek a mate. You have had to go out into the void of a future that does not exist and to create a reality within it. That is how reality has been shaped on Earth, but you as the new creators will be discovering a new way.

< Creator 3 > The tines of your tuning fork will still have duality, but they will sing together. As they do, as there is harmony between the two. As you live in the divine moment, all things that are needed and all things that are appropriate then will come to you. They will come to you! You will not need to go searching for them. You will not need to force them into your reality. You will be creating in a new way. You will still be transmuting the void into reality, but you will be creating in a new way, in a very powerful way.

< Creator 3 > You have spent many lifetimes creating into a future, creating a future from a void. Take a moment to think about what we are saying. You have lived in your thoughts of what tomorrow will be like. This has been appropriate. And it is still appropriate for many who walk the Earth. But as you become creators in the new energy, you will learn the importance of living in the divine moment, the moment that is now! You will be tempted many times to want to live in the future, to want to project what your tomorrow will be. You will be tempted to have fears of tomorrow, to create scenarios in your mind. But as a new creator in this new energy, you will find much power of "living in the divine moment," which is now.

< Creator 4QA > In the old energy you created the future by projecting your thoughts and your energy into it. This essentially took the void and transformed it into a reality. Creation in the new energy will be quite different. It will not be projecting into the void, it will not be projecting into the future. It will be staying in a moment, in a space, in an energy, creating in that moment, and emanating the energy out, not specifically to your future, but into all moments.

< Creator 5 > We remind you of the work that you do. We remind you each time we gather here, lest you forget. It is the work that you do. You are moving forward. You are creating the template for the second creation. You are the ones that are taking the void and transforming it into new creation. We know, and we understand there are difficult days of your life. But my friends, if you knew and understood the challenge that you are taking on here, you would understand why there are certain difficulties.

< Creator 6QA > We call you Lightmasters because we see you as Lightmasters. We know there is much work that you do, but indeed you are the ones who are the "Masters." The entities who are the outer circles tonight, who have never been to earth before, see you as the Masters. It is difficult for you to see yourself in such a lofty role. But as we have said earlier, there are four issues and the fourth one is self-worth. Dear friends, look deeper into this area. Begin to understand that the work you do as Lightworkers, is at the very leading edge. You are at the very leading edge of this transformation of void into creation. It is why we call you the Lightmasters and we use the terms together; workers and masters.

< DivineHuman 3QA > I am Gabriel of the Order of the Arc. Each one of you here I know well. Each one of you I have worked with long before you ever came to this place of Earth, this great place of Earth. I'm an aspect of you, but I hold my own identity as well. I am the aspect of you that breathes life into nothingness. I am the aspect of you that gives life to what was not before. I am the aspect of you that births the New.


