

< DivineHuman 6QA > There is one thing to do in this instance. Have the greatest love and compassion for this person who is playing this terrific game with all of these entities. The person you refer to is demon-possessed only by himself and his past. This person is not possessed by an outside force. It is the conflict within their self that is causing what seems to be such a division. This gives the appearance that they are possessed by an external entity.

When you are in the midst of this type of bizarre energy, have total compassion. Understand that they are trying to find resolution within themself. They are playing a great game of hide and seek, a great game of light and dark, of duality.

It is very difficult, as we have mentioned, very difficult for an outside entity to come in and possess you. Yes, they do linger around, these entities. But, to take over a body or a mind is very difficult.

As a default, understand that it is the person, this individual, fragmenting themselves. Have compassion. Enjoy the game with them. At first they may be mad at you because they want you to feel disempowered by them. They want you to be frightened. Have compassion. Laugh with them. What a wonderful game you are playing!

You do not need to put up any shields around yourself, ever. Be in any situation. As difficult as it may seem, have compassion. Then you will see the set-up that individuals, or groups, or whole nations have. You will realize that there are no bad circumstances. There are just very extreme games being played.


